comments on life on tv, on fashion, on how i feel about the basic b.s. that goes on and the reality of entertainment industry and why i still love it... and admit it you do too!!!
I had my father pass away and a few months ago my grandmother who raised me.
I honestly thought i was going to curl up and die. But something happened I have this motivation this part of me that has been lacking for a long time.
I want to get back to acting to being who I am the whole of me.
I am going to bust my behind and I am back biatches!!!
We work on elypticals, run, and weights. But working with our own body that’s what brings basics back. Like a thorough bred hooray. Squats, sit ups, pull ups, yoga. These all use our body to fine tune or muscle and strength and burn fat. So my goal for fall is to focus on the basics as well as cardio w the elypictical or running. But to do basics five days a week to have the body like a well oiled machine.