This tea is amazingly good and refreshing I bough it at whole foods. I know that our body's need good things inside to help us feel good and look food that glow doesn't just come from. Our beauty regimens. Our plastic surgery that all celebrities do and rfukarpeoplw but some people feel they have to hide it. You shouldn't go around bragging it's not nice. But I am sharing more these days bc I was out do the circuit of a lot for a while. I had a car accident then I had relationship issues which brought a lot of other baggage trust issues etc. Plus everyday life to deal with and of course wanting to enjoy it not deal with it. Then of course my father passed away we had been out of touch for over ten years over stupid things when it comes down to it. And I have had a few eye ending things happen recently. I have been getting to yoga reiki and amazingly, meeting healers and people involved I the things I am attracted to lately. I always have been sensitiv to vibes (auras) and I do believe in good energy. And bad and some negate and draining people,and affect and effect you. So not only so I want to get back into acting and modeling bc no matter hat a woman can look fabulous as long she believes I herself and is happy honest and doesn't hide her concerns hurt or pain or insecurities as we get older. So I hope I see. Moments maybe hear stories of others here. I am new. To all the in and outs of blogs so if I have settings wrong and anyone advice please feel free to contact me on Facebook ! I am always open to advice, and I want to being health beauty nature and not lose our souls and our compassion and humanity in a modern world.